About Troop 88
Here you will find many details about Troop 88 and how it operates. Whether you are a prospective Scout or parent or an existing member of the Troop, this is an ideal place for you to be. We're still in the process of building this area and really appreciate feedback.
Where we meet
Millersville Community Church - UMC Campus
163 W Frederick Street
Millersville, Pennsylvania
We meet from 6:30-8:00 pm on Monday nights all year long.
Monthly Outings
Each month the troop goes on an outing. Typically for these we leave on Friday evening and return on Sunday.
Summer Camp
Troop 88 attends a week-long summer camp each year in North Central Pennsylvania.
High Adventure
In addition to the adventures each month, Troop 88 plans a High Adventure trip each summer.